See if you qualify for a FREE program, paid for by your health plan. Sign up and you’ll be eligible for a Fitbit* at no cost to you.
Find your match
Weight Watchers
Betr Health
Most programs include the following elements:
No extra cost
That's right - if you qualify, it's included at no extra cost
Fitbit®* tracker
After just a few weeks, you'll get a Fitness tracker to stay motivated
Health coach
Get personal advice from certified health coaches, some even available 24/7
Support plans
From menu plans, feedback and coping strategies, you'll get all the support you need
Small changes make a big difference
Making modest changes to your diet and activity level can have a significant impact on your health. Losing just 5–7% of your weight—10–14 pounds for a 200 pound person—has been proven to decrease the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by 58%¹.
Ready to get started?
Take our one-minute quiz to see if you qualify.